

Stevie Wonder

SMIRNOV. This month I'm joined by Keeky Delbrannon. In this issue we'll look at some popular videos of Stevie Wonder. Won't we/

KEEKY. Get on with it.

SMIRNOV. I think 'Living for the city' is my favourite Stevie Wonder song.

KEEKY. Fuck that was good. I feel ot, you know, in ma soul. Hell yes! Give us another one, mother.

SMIRNOV. I taped that off radio when I was a lad.

KEEKY. Can we see The Cosby Show one? Please...please. I'll stand on my head for you!

SMIRNOV. Go on then.

SMIRNOV. Yeah so? By the way...Google Chrome is fucking shit!! Sorry Stevie!

KEEKY. It'll be Firefox that's fucking you about, Kool, if you have it open as well as Chrome.

SMIRNOV. Yeah. So?

KEEKY. Big hit, Autobahn 1, is it?

SMIRNOV. Potentially.